[izpack-users] Some Issues with IzPack

Daniel Silva ddso.01 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 13:58:21 CEST 2007

Regarding issue 1:

Looks like you are experiencing relative folder problems.

In my project root folder there is the build.xml is for the ant building;

The build.xml has the followin lines for the izPack

<izpack input="${installer.dir}/spec/InstallerSpec.xml"

where ${installer.dir} is the root folder of the aplication (where build.xmlis)

At ${installer.dir}/installer/spec folder there is the InstallSpec.xml,
witch is the xml for the izPack process.

I keep the HTMLInfoPanel.info and HTMLLicencePanel.licence resorces at ${
installer.dir}/installer/base and in the InstallerSpec.xml I put

<res src="./base/Readme.html" id="HTMLInfoPanel.info"/>
<res src="./base/Licence.html" id="HTMLLicencePanel.licence"/>

The building is executed in the root folder. This works for me.

Regarding issue 2

Try executing not the jar file, but java.exe and passing the jar file as an
argument to it. Like this:

    <job name="DS Install">
        <executefile name="java">

On 7/25/07, yj <yj at m-itc.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to build an installer for a web application which will be
> used across europe by enforcement agencies. The installer should perform
> the following tasks:
> - Deploy a web application into jboss
> - Add and upgrade certain libraries of jboss (such as hibernate,
> javassist ...etc)
> - Modify certain config files
> - Create a DS file in the server/default/deploy directory describing the
> datasource to be used by the web application
> I have the following issues and badly need these to be resolved as i
> have to release this by the end of this week end.
> Issue 1 : Cannot find Resource for HTMLLicencePanel.licence and
> HTMLInfoPanel
> I define the resources like that in the resource section of the install
> file
>    <res id="HTMLLicencePanel.licence" src="txt/Licence.html"/>
>    <res id="HTMLInfoPanel.info" src="txt/Readme.txt"/>
> but it gives me the following error:
> -> Fatal error :
>   C:\Installer\install.xml:48: Resource not found:
> C:\Installer\txt\Licence.html
> com.izforge.izpack.compiler.CompilerException:
> C:\Installer\install.xml:48: Resource not found:
> C:\Installer\txt\Licence.html
>        at
> com.izforge.izpack.compiler.CompilerConfig.parseError(CompilerConfig.java
> :1619)
>        at
> com.izforge.izpack.compiler.CompilerConfig.findProjectResource(
> CompilerConfig.java:1548)
>        at
> com.izforge.izpack.compiler.CompilerConfig.addResources(
> CompilerConfig.java:1142)
>        at
> com.izforge.izpack.compiler.CompilerConfig.executeCompiler(
> CompilerConfig.java:322)
>        at
> com.izforge.izpack.compiler.CompilerConfig.main(CompilerConfig.java:1950)
>        at com.izforge.izpack.compiler.Compiler.main(Compiler.java:709)
> (tip : use -? to get the commmand line parameters)
> The same error is obtained if i use the simple License and Info Panels
> Issue 2:
> I have swing application which should be executed at post install. This
> swing app is an executable jar file which generates a data source
> configuration file in the server/default/deploy directory of jboss.
> I launch the application using the following
>        <pack name="utils" required="yes">
>           <description>The utility files</description>
>           <!-- utils -->
>           <fileset dir="utils" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/utils"
> override="true">
>                <include name="*.*"/>
>           </fileset>
>          <executable
> targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/utils/DataSourceInstaller.jar" type="jar"
> failure="ask" stage="postinstall" keep="true"/>
>        </pack>
> While the swing app is correctly launched and no error occurs. It is not
> able to create the file in the desired directory in the INSTALL_PATH. If
> i launch the same executable jar file after installation, it correctly
> creates the datasource file. Is there some kind of lock on the
> INSTALL_PATH by the installer which prevents the swing application to
> create files in this directory
> I tried using the ProcessPanel with the following
> Defined the resource as :
>    <res id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml" src="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml"/>
> The ProcessPanelSpec.xml is as follows:
> <processing>
> <job name="DS Install>
>    <os family="windows" />
>    <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/utils/DataSourceInstaller.jar"
> type="jar" failure="ask" stage="postinstall" keep="true"/>
> </job>
> </processing>
> Defined the panel after the install Panel
>    <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
>    <panel classname="ProcessPanel"/>
>    <panel classname="FinishPanel"/>
> While the ProcessPanel does appear, it does not perform anything and get
> stuck at 0%. I also doubt that this is what i need.
> I have just started using IzPack after finding that Jboss uses it for
> its JEMS installer and only know the basics. Could you please tell me
> what am i doing wrong and if possible suggest work arounds.
> Loads of thnx in advance.
> Regards,
> --
> Jankee Yogesh
> Team Leader
> http://www.m-itc.net
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Daniel Silva
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