[izpack-users] IzPack condition tag

J-Pro joker.pro at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 11:14:31 CEST 2006

Good day, dear developers of IzPack!

First, want to thank all people who put their hand on IzPack developing.
Really cool, easy to understand and powerful thing! Thank you very much!

Have one proposal. As Mr. Julien Ponge told me, IzPack don't support
conditions. Would be great if such thing exist. I don't know how all of you
can check if something is already installed and make a choice install
another tool or not. It's a problem for me now and I really don't know how
to install according to user's choice. For example, if user tells that
Apache Tomcat is already installed - to not install it again, and if it's
not installed - just install it. How do you make it now, in current IzPack

I know that for new condition tag the time is needed. But can somebody
advise me how to be, using current version? I have some ideas with
bat-files, for example to call some bat-file with some arguments, but there
check conditions and install Tomcat or not. But it's only in Windows. How to
be in Unix or Solaris, for example? Maybe you know some other ways?

Thank you very much in advance!

P.S.: Anyway, waiting for condition tag abilities or something similar :)

P.P.S: Thanks again for the great tool!

With respect,

Yurii Kartsev 

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