[izpack-users] Reposting of question: EOFException?

Miraodb miraodb at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 6 09:43:35 CET 2006

Hi glenn,

glad i could help !
don't hesitate to ask. In this list, i'm sure that 90% of issue a user can
have has already been seen or better solved.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "gwg" <gwghome at comcast.net>
To: <izpack-users at berlios.de>
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [izpack-users] Reposting of question: EOFException?

> Hi Fabrice,
> Thanks for your reply...
> Miraodb wrote:
> > Hi glenn,
> >
> >
> >
> >>Hi all,
> >>I have recieved no replies to my original question (included below), so
> >>I am re-posting it.  If no one can help me with this, either by
> >>providing an answer or by telling me how to debug the problem in the
> >>IzPack code, then I will regretfully have to abandon IzPack and build my
> >>own installer.
> >
> >
> > I'm sorry you didn't get any replies but with the holidays it's quite
> > that it takes longer.
> > I was out myself  for 2 weeks, and i know klaus and julien couldn't
> > either.... sometimes we just gotta be a bit patient. :-)
> Yes, I understand about the holidays and I hope you had a pleasant time
> off.  After I posted my question I saw replys being sent to 5 or 6 other
> emails but nothing on mine, so it did kind of look like no one had any
> ideas to share on that particular problem.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Java is able to directly copy all of the files (verified by test code in
> >>my application running on the target machine after the install), so the
> >>installation disk contents seem to be ok and the underlying Java file
> >>operations work correctly.  That would seem to indicate that the problem
> >>is in the IzPack code that copies the files.
> >
> >
> > Ok i'm not sure i understand everything. Building an application on
> > and then on linux can be tricky due to some file permissions and so on.
> >
> > In your case, i would rather ask you to maybe send us your config files
> > (install.xml and every others that you use) so we can have a look.
> Your mention of file permissions caused me to do another experiment.  I
> wiped out all of my build directories and did a complete fresh build on
> Windows, and the resulting disk installs without the EOFException.
> Apparently my earlier trials had some left-over files from the builds I
> was doing under Linux which were causing the problem.
> Now that I have a way to build the product I won't try to figure out
> what was going on with my screwy dual-boot system.  I just got to
> remember "develop in Linux, clean and build on Windows" and I should be
> fine.
> Thanks for the thought that got me past the road block, and thanks again
> for your reply.
> Glenn
> >
> > Let us know.
> > fabrice
> >
> >
> >>Please offer any suggestions that come to mind.  Thanks.
> >>
> >>Glenn
> >>
> >>gwg wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>
> >>>Any idea why IzPack would generate the following message during
> >>>installation of files?
> >>>    Java io.EOFException
> >>>This comes up in a popup window with no further explanation.
> >>>
> >>>The application is being installed on a Windows machine which does not
> >>>have a JRE.  I have a Windows JRE bundled with IzPack and the
> >>>application on the CD, and use JSmooth to start IzPack using that JRE.
> >>>As part of the installation I told IzPack to copy the JRE to the user's
> >>>installation directory.  When it does that, everything works fine until
> >>>it tries to copy files from \lib\zi (the Zone Information binary
> >>> Some/most/all (it's hard to tell) of those files get copied, but then
> >>>IzPack coughs up the previously mentioned exception and ends the copy
> >>>part of the installation.  If I remove the files from \lib\zi and
> >>>re-build my installation disk, the copy seems to work correctly (though
> >>>the application has some other problems when it runs).  My experiments
> >>>indicate that the problem is not caused by a specific file within that
> >>>directory because if you leave any of the files it seems to copy them
> >>>and then chokes.
> >>>
> >>>Just to add to the confusion, I had this working fine a month or two
> >>>ago, then focused on building the application and just now tried to
> >>>create an installation disk, assuming that everything would still work
> >>>correctly.  Silly me. :-(
> >>>The JRE files have not been touched between then and now.
> >>>The one difference that I can think of in the build process is that
> >>>previously I was building on Windows and now I am building on Linux
> >>>(using the same Windows directories cross-mounted onto Linux on my
> >>>dual-boot machine).  I just now tried re-building on Windows, but got
> >>>the same result.
> >>>
> >>>Any suggestions?
> >>>
> >>>Glenn
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>izpack-users mailing list
> >>>izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
> >>>http://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/izpack-users
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>izpack-users mailing list
> >>izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
> >>http://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/izpack-users
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > izpack-users mailing list
> > izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
> > http://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/izpack-users
> >
> >
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