[izpack-users] Is the change list for the next version done?

Hal Vaughan hal at thresholddigital.com
Thu Jan 5 01:51:28 CET 2006

Is there some place I can get a list of the new features and bug fixes for the 
next version?  I want to know if what I need is being done, or if it is 
something I should do myself.

I tried the Search example in the manual for the UserInput Panel and it does 
not work.  (Yes, I mean the exact example in the manual, exactly as it is.)  
I've mentioned in a few previous e-mails there seems to be a problem with 
Search (and have yet to hear any comments like, "Yes there is," or, "It works 
perfectly, you're using it wrong").  If it worked, I *think* it would provide 
what I need to do.  Otherwise, I'll need to learn the API (and I'm not a 
professional programmer, so I expect it to take a while) and write my own 
panel (unless there's someone here who wants to write a panel if I pay a 
bounty for it).  I would like to know, though, if what I'm doing is 
duplicating work already being done.

If this is being fixed, obviously, I don't want to start coding something that 
will soon be replaced. So if it is possible to find out what is being done 
for the next version, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you!


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