[izpack-devel] Addition of one more attribute 'createForField' to make installer more dynamic

Amit Bhayani amit.bhayani at jboss.com
Sat Aug 19 12:38:56 CEST 2006

Hello Friends,


We have something called as 'createForPack' to make our <userInput>
<panel>  (within userInputSpec.xml) depends on one of the Pack's.
However in my project I have a requirement were I need to display
UserInputPanel depending upon what the user has selected in previous
UserInputPanel screen. 


To achieve this requirement I have made changes in UserInputPanel.java
to have one more attribute 'createForField'. So depending upon some
value selected by user in previous screen I can change the fields in
next screen or I can altogether avoid next screen.


Please have a look at patch UserInputPanel.txt


To demonstrate this I have made changes in sample\install.xml. Look at
patch Install.txt. In order to run this example please download
userInputSpec.xml attached with mail in \sample folder.


NOTE : For this sample to work correctly you need to have latest code of
TwoColumnLayout.java (changes suggested by me in previous mail)




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