[izpack-users] Bug in the PacksPanel?

Christian-Josef Schrattenthaler christian-josef at schrattenthaler.com
Tue Jan 22 22:29:36 CET 2008

Hi Julian!

I have changed the code from PacksPanelBase.java (src/lib -
com.izforge.izpack.panels), so that the method 'public void
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)' sends a message to me
(JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.toString());).

If I click on the first entry (core paket, not deselectable), than I get
only one message. If I click on an other entry (deselectable paket), than I
get the message for 5 times.

Interesting: If I now klick on a paket, I see the mark (blue background), an
my message. After klicking on the ok button for 2 times, the checkbox is
aktivated or deactivated, and the mark (blue background) disappears.

Then I comment the section:

// toggle the value stored in the packsModel
Integer checked = (Integer)packsModel.getValueAt(i, 0);
if (checked.intValue() == 0) {
packsModel.setValueAt(new Integer(1), i, 0);
} else if (checked.intValue() == 1) {
packsModel.setValueAt(new Integer(0), i, 0);

Now I get only one message, if I click on a paket. The mark is shown on the
clicked paket. Also the cursor keys on the keyboard are working. BUT: I
can't change the checkbox from aktivated to deactivated or reverse.

QUESTION: I thougt, that I can click with the mouse (or use the cursor keys)
to mark a paket, so that I can see the informations for this paket. And If I
klick directly on the checkbox (respectively press the space key), I can
check/uncheck the checkbox. As I remember correctly to other applications,
this is the standard? But I am not sure!!! I think, if the usere wants to
see, what a paket does, it is not good, that this changes also the state of
the checkbox. This will be fast overlooked by a simple user. And with the
disappeared mark, the user dos not know where he is.

I will try to find more, but maybe you can do somthing the informations sent
in this mail.

Kind greetings,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de
[mailto:izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de] Im Auftrag von Julien Ponge
Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Jänner 2008 21:55
An: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
Betreff: Re: [izpack-users] Bug in the PacksPanel?

Hi Josef,

Thanks for the explanations, I will have a look sometime this week.

> One the PackPanel you see all the packs. All packs are selected
> The first pack is also marked (blue background). Now, if I use the cursor
> down key on the keyboard, the mark of the first pack disappears. I see no
> mark on the whole windows. And the checkbox oft he second pack is
> If I press again the cursor down key, I didn't get back the mark. No mark
> the window. But the checkbox of the second pack is enabled.
> If I click with the mouse on a pack name, the mark oft he first pack
> disappears. I see no mark on the window. The checkbox of the klicked pack
> disabled. If I click again on the pack, the checkbos is enabled. I see no
> mark. If I click on the first pack, I see the mark on the first pack. I
> see the description oft he klicked pack.

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