[izpack-users] IzPack 3.11.0-beta2

Pascal Quesseveur quesseveur at abaksystemes.fr
Mon Jan 7 15:13:59 CET 2008

Hello Julien,

The option --with-7z in izpack2exe can be used to specify the 7zip
program. So it should be possible to run the izpack2.exe program from
another directory as the one containing the 7za.exe. And I think it is
best practice as the process creates temp files in the current
dir. But that doesn't work because the 7zS.sfx file is searched in the
current dir. IMHO it should be better to look for ir in the same
directory as 7za.exe. I have tested the following with Python 2.5 and
it works fine:

| 	sfx = os.path.join (os.path.dirname (settings.p7z), '7zS.sfx')
| 	files = [sfx, 'config.txt', 'installer.7z']

Perhaps you can use something like that (i am far from a Python
expert :-) to update the script.

Pascal Quesseveur
quesseveur at abaksystemes.fr

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