[izpack-users] Uninstaller leaves all files etc

Bar Zecharya bzecharya at ibextechnologies.com
Tue Feb 12 17:13:05 CET 2008

IZ Pack users,


I've been using an IZ Pack installer for almost two years, and along the way
have appreciated the neat things like creating custom panels and processes,
and just recently making my Tomcat application run as a Windows service.
There's one issue that I've never been able to resolve, though: the
uninstaller appears to work (it runs through the list of files and then says
"Finished") but leaves the files, icons.  Before I just ignored the problem
(and the occasional user's complaint  [embarrassed smiley]), but now I feel
less comfortable leaving a Windows service installed and running than just
wasting 50Mb of hard-drive space.


Below is the installer XML file.  Does anyone have any ideas? 

You'll notice that in addition to tomcat and the web application I'm also
including the entire jre (6.0), to be used by both the installer and the




Ps. Since this is my first e-mail I'm not sure if the XML will show up
correctly.  If not I can send it as an attachment.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>

<installation version="1.0">





                  <author name="X" email="" />




        The gui preferences indication.

        Sets the installer window to 640x480. It will not be able to change
the size.


      <guiprefs width="640" height="460" resizable="no">


            <laf name="metouia">

            <os family="unix" />



            <laf name="looks">

            <os family="windows" />

            <param name="variant" value="extwin" />




            <langpack iso3="eng"/>

            <langpack iso3="fra"/>

            <langpack iso3="spa"/>

            <langpack iso3="por"/>

            <langpack iso3="rus"/>

            <langpack iso3="tur"/>

            <!-- <langpack iso3="ara"/> -->



        The resources section.

        The ids must be these ones if you want to use the LicencePanel
and/or the InfoPanel.



            <res id="LicencePanel.licence" src="Licence.txt"/>

            <res id="InfoPanel.info" src="Readme.txt"/>

            <res id="Installer.image" src="images/company_logo.gif" /> 

            <res id="shortcutSpec.xml" src="shortcutSpec.xml"/>

            <res id="userInputSpec.xml" src="UserInputSpec.xml"/>

            <res id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml" src="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml"/>





            <variable name="xyz" value="8080"/>





        The panels section.

        We indicate here which panels we want to use. The order will be



            <panel classname="HelloPanel"/>

            <panel classname="InfoPanel"/>

            <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>

            <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>

            <!-- <panel classname="PacksPanel"/> -->

            <panel classname="UserInputPanel"/> 

            <panel classname="UserInputPanel"/> 

            <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>

            <!--  <panel classname="ShortcutPanel"/>-->

            <panel classname="ProcessPanel"/>

            <panel classname="FinishPanel"/>


      <native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/>


            <pack name="Apache Tomcat server" required="yes">

                  <description>Apache Tomcat web server</description>

                  <fileset dir="jakarta-tomcat"
targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/jakarta-tomcat" casesensitive="no" override="true">

                        <exclude name="**/Entr*"/>

                        <exclude name="**/CVS*"/>

                        <exclude name="**/bak*"/>

                        <exclude name="**/SVN*"/>

                        <exclude name="**/jrxml*"/>



                  <file src="jre" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"

                  <file src="images" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"

                  <file src="lib" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"


                  <singlefile src="server_installer.xml"
target="$INSTALL_PATH/jakarta-tomcat/conf/server.xml" override="true" />




                  <file src="service-installer.bat"
targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/jakarta-tomcat/bin" override="true" />

targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/jakarta-tomcat/bin/service-installer.bat" />


                  <!-- Installs the Windows service for Tomcat -->



                    keep="true" os="windows" failure="warn"


                      <arg value="install" />

                      <arg value="X" />




                  <!-- Uninstalls the Windows service for Tomcat -->



                    keep="true" os="windows" stage="uninstall">


                      <arg value="remove" />

                      <arg value="X" />




                  <!-- Starts Tomcat services -->

                  <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/startup-server.bat"

                              os="windows" failure="warn" keep="true"
stage="postinstall" />




            <pack name="X Application and related files" required="yes">

                  <description>X Installation Files</description>


                  <fileset dir="ROOT"
targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/ROOT" casesensitive="no"

                        <exclude name="**/Entr*"/>

                        <exclude name="**/CVS*"/>

                        <exclude name="**/bak*"/>

                        <exclude name="**/SVN*"/>

                        <exclude name="**/jrxml*"/>



                  <file src="Readme.txt" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"

                  <file src="Licence.txt" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"

                  <file src="icons" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"



                  <file src="X.exe" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"

                  <file src="uninstall.bat" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"

                  <parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/uninstall.bat"/>








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