[izpack-users] IzPack without language selection panel?

Markus Schlegel schlm3 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 12:34:50 CEST 2007

Hi Uwe

I also had this requirement last year, and i have made a patch.
Unfortunately, it has not been accepted by the IzPack team :-(
Attached my patched GuiInstaller class. But it is not up to date anymore
since our requirements changed and we do display the language dialog now.


2007/10/10, Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet at seimet.de>:
> Hello,
> > Definitely we can run the Izpack without displaying the language
> > selection panel.
> > For that, you have to specify the default language in locale tag.
> > It will look like as follows,
> >
> > <locale>
> >        <langpack iso3="eng"/>
> > </loacale>
> >
> > In that case IzPack will take default language as english.
> Yes, but if the user has set German is the default language in his
> locale, English would nevertheless be used in this case, wouldn't it?
> I would like IzPack to use the language from the user's locale as the
> default language, e.g. English if the locale is "en", "en_US" etc.,
> German if the locale is "de", without using the language selection panel.
> Best regards,   Uwe
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Dr. Uwe Seimet                                http://www.seimet.de/
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