[izpack-users] Problem Extracting on Solaris

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Fri Nov 2 16:53:42 CET 2007

You probably can't run any Java GUI app from that terminal, right?
Normally DISPLAY is set automatically when you're connected to an X
server. Try something else you know works, like the Swing demo from the
JDK for example. I see this happen sometimes when you're running under
an 'su' or if you ssh without the -X parameter (though this can be set
in the config files instead, I think).  Are you on the console in an
xterm or similar (e.g. Konsole)? If you're connecting from a PC you need
to have a X server running on your PC. Cygwin has a free one (
http://x.cygwin.com/ ) or I used to use Reflection X before I switched
to a Linux desktop years ago.

Dave.Derry at Equifax.com wrote:
> I'm new to IzPack, but it looks like a promising tool for simplifing my
> deployment of stand-alone utility apps.
> In my first attempt I have been able to incorporate IzPack into my Maven
> build process. The resulting self-extracting jar works well on my Windows
> system. However when I move it to out Solaris box (running Solaris 2.10) I
> run into problems.
> When i first executed 'java -jar install.jar' I got a message "Exception in
> thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server
> using '' as the value of the DISPLAY variable." So I looked through the
> docs, and exported DISPLAY=":0.0". But then when I attempt to run the
> installer it just hangs; absolutely nothing happens.
> What am I missing?
> Dave
> We must begin not just to act, but to think, for there is no better slave
> than the one who believes his slavery to be freedom, and we are in
> no greater peril than when we cannot see the chains on our minds
> because there are yet no chains on our feet.
> -- Michael Reid
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