[izpack-users] evaluating panelconditions

grb la_m3r at web.de
Fri May 25 09:01:26 CEST 2007

Hello list,

i have a question regarding the evalution of conditions, since i was not
able to find anything, that answers
my question. The scenario is the following:
I have two custom panels. In the first (which is called EnvironmentPanel) i
set a variable like this, if a certain radiobutton was selected:

> idata.setVariable("setuptype", radioButtonAlias.isSelected() ? "multinode"
> : "singlenode");

my custom isValidated() method within this panel shows me via 
System.out.println(idata.getVariable("setuptype")); that the  value is set
as I expected.

I then have my conditions.xml, that looks like following:

<panelcondition panelid="web" conditionid="multinodesetup"/>
	<condition type="variable" id="multinodesetup">

and the panels section of my install.xml:

<panel classname="EnvironmentPanel"/>
<panel classname="WebServerPanel" id="web"/>

So the idea behind this all is, that the 'WebServerPanel' should be shown if
the variable "setuptype" in the prior panel (the 'EnvironmenPanel') was set
to "multinode". But it does not work.

The interesting part of it all is that if i put a panel in between the
'EnvironmentPanel' and the 'WebServerPanel', for instance:

<panel classname="EnvironmentPanel"/>
<panel classname="SomePanel" />
<panel classname="WebServerPanel" id="web"/>

it works.

So, what am I doing wrong? I know this has to be possible, since Dennis Reil
posted the documentation 
section of conditions a week ago, where a analogical example occurs in the


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