[izpack-users] Remark about uninstall and registry under Windows

Pascal Quesseveur quesseveur at abaksystemes.fr
Tue Feb 13 19:21:34 CET 2007


When I try to run the installation under Windows as a normal
user the install prog tries to write in the registry and
issues the following message:

com.izforge.izpack.util.os.WrappedNativeLibException: Cannot
create registry key
System error number is: 5
System error text is: Accès refusé

This is normal as the user is not authorized to write in
that registry. But the final message in the last panel tells
the installation has failed[¹]. In fact it has not failed
everything is installed but the uninstall is not
registered. I think that message should not be set in that

[¹] In the french localization the message is wrong:
    L'installation a échouée
    It should be: L'installation a échoué

Pascal Quesseveur, quesseveur at abaksystemes.fr

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