[izpack-users] Tr : Localizing shortcuts

Bartz, Klaus Klaus.Bartz at coi.de
Tue Apr 24 12:00:07 CEST 2007

Hi Loic,
thank you for creating a patch for a new feature for IzPack. Sorry that we have
forgotten to write explicitly, that this feature do not exist for ShortCuts.
Unfortunately I see no patches for the docu which has also to be addapted. 
Please review the converned IzPack documentation and send us a secound patch, 
if you like it. 
Documentation is a big problem in IzPack. From time to time an IzPack user
developes a new nice, cool feature for IzPack and send us the patch, but about the docu we
have to run after or made it self for a feature we self do not need.
Therefore: no docu, no patch.
I am a little bit sensitive if some one verbalize a feature request as blame.
If you really mean, that if you use IzPack, you have to shame, do not use IzPack. Else
take your one, two or three thousend Euro and by a "professional" tool. There 
you cannot made a patch (there you have no sources and no build file for the engine), but 
sometimes they have a vote list where you can write into your feature request and hope, that
they implement it some year later. Or do you really mean these tools contains all thinks you
need and much more?

	-----Original Message-----
	From: izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de [mailto:izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Loic
	Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:14 AM
	To: izPack-devel at lists.berlios.de
	Cc: izPack-users at lists.berlios.de
	Subject: [izpack-users] Tr : Localizing shortcuts
	I'll answer my own question posted yesterday to the izPack-users lists, which is reproduced below.
	As a matter of fact, I found out that the answer is "no, shortcuts aren't localizable". Which is a shame.
	Since I badly need that, I went through the code from SVN and set up a patch, which you will find attached.
	What it does is :

	*	Search for a os-specific, language specific spec file (like Unix_shortcutSpec.xml_eng) 
	*	If not found, search for a language specific (but OS-independent) spec (like shortcutSpec.xml_eng) 
	*	If still not found, revert to the processing before the patch (OS-specific, and if not found, generic spec file)

	Please review it and merge it into SVN if you like it.
	I'd love to have a patched standalone-compiler.jar in izPack's next release.
	Thank you,
	----- Message transféré ----
	De : Loic <lbndev at yahoo.fr>
	À : izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
	Envoyé le : Lundi, 23 Avril 2007, 15h58mn 43s
	Objet : Localizing shortcuts
	I am using ant and IzPack standalone compiler version 3.10.1
	I have the following in my izPack XML install file :
	        <langpack iso3="fra"/>
	        <langpack iso3="eng"/>
	        <res src="FRLicence.txt" id="LicencePanel.licence_fra"/>
	        <res src="ENGLicence.txt" id="LicencePanel.licence_eng"/>
	        <res src="FRInfo.txt" id="InfoPanel.info_fra" />
	        <res src="ENInfo.txt" id="InfoPanel.info_eng" />
	        <res src="packsLang.xml_fra" id="packsLang.xml_fra"/>
	        <res src="packsLang.xml_eng" id="packsLang.xml_eng"/>
	        <res src="shortcutSpec.xml" id="shortcutSpec.xml" os="windows"/>
	        <res src="unix_shortcutSpec.xml" id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml" os="linux"/>
	        <res src="processpanelSpec-en.xml" id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml_eng"/>
	        <res src="processpanelSpec-fr.xml" id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml_fra"/>
	My problem is : I can't get IzPack to use an "english language shortcuts" file (my default files, as above, contain shortcuts descriptions and captions in french). I have tried adding these :
	        <res src="shortcutSpec-en.xml" id="shortcutSpec.xml_eng" os="windows"/>
	        <res src="unix_shortcutSpec-en.xml" id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml_eng" os="linux"/>
	but it didn't seem to have any effect.
	LicencePanel localization works.
	InfoPanel localization works.
	Packs localization works.
	ProcessPanel localization works, too.
	But shortcuts just don't. My shortcuts are still created with french captions, while everything else is in english.
	Is it possible to localize shortcuts text, and if yes, how ?


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