[izpack-users] unsubscribe

Julien Ponge julien.ponge at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 20:13:54 CEST 2007

It is up, just follow the link at the bottom of this page.


On 4/23/07, Carmel Morrissey <CMorrissey at espatial.com> wrote:
> I would like to unsubscribe from this mailing list ... berlios appears to be
> down!
>  ________________________________
> From: Loic [mailto:lbndev at yahoo.fr]
>  Sent: 23 April 2007 14:59
>  To: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
>  Subject: [izpack-users] Localizing shortcuts
> Hello,
>  I am using ant and IzPack standalone compiler version 3.10.1
>  I have the following in my izPack XML install file :
>      <locale>
>          <langpack iso3="fra"/>
>          <langpack iso3="eng"/>
>      </locale>
>      <resources>
>          <res src="FRLicence.txt" id="LicencePanel.licence_fra"/>
>          <res src="ENGLicence.txt" id="LicencePanel.licence_eng"/>
>          <res src="FRInfo.txt" id="InfoPanel.info_fra" />
>          <res src="ENInfo.txt" id="InfoPanel.info_eng" />
>          <res src="packsLang.xml_fra" id="packsLang.xml_fra"/>
>          <res src="packsLang.xml_eng" id="packsLang.xml_eng"/>
>          <res src="shortcutSpec.xml" id="shortcutSpec.xml" os="windows"/>
>          <res src="unix_shortcutSpec.xml" id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml"
> os="linux"/>
>          <res src="processpanelSpec-en.xml" id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml_eng"/>
>          <res src="processpanelSpec-fr.xml" id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml_fra"/>
>      </resources>
>  My problem is : I can't get IzPack to use an "english language shortcuts"
> file (my default files, as above, contain shortcuts descriptions and
> captions in french). I have tried adding these :
>          <res src="shortcutSpec-en.xml" id="shortcutSpec.xml_eng"
> os="windows"/>
>          <res src="unix_shortcutSpec-en.xml" id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml_eng"
> os="linux"/>
>  but it didn't seem to have any effect.
>  LicencePanel localization works.
>  InfoPanel localization works.
>  Packs localization works.
>  ProcessPanel localization works, too.
>  But shortcuts just don't. My shortcuts are still created with french
> captions, while everything else is in english.
>  Is it possible to localize shortcuts text, and if yes, how ?
>  Thanks,
>  Loïc
>  ________________________________
> Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez les tarifs
> exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international. Téléchargez la
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> izpack-users mailing list
> izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
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