[izpack-users] Localizing shortcuts

Loic lbndev at yahoo.fr
Mon Apr 23 15:58:43 CEST 2007


I am using ant and IzPack standalone compiler version 3.10.1
I have the following in my izPack XML install file :

        <langpack iso3="fra"/>
        <langpack iso3="eng"/>
        <res src="FRLicence.txt" id="LicencePanel.licence_fra"/>
        <res src="ENGLicence.txt" id="LicencePanel.licence_eng"/>
        <res src="FRInfo.txt" id="InfoPanel.info_fra" />
        <res src="ENInfo.txt" id="InfoPanel.info_eng" />
        <res src="packsLang.xml_fra" id="packsLang.xml_fra"/>
        <res src="packsLang.xml_eng" id="packsLang.xml_eng"/>
        <res src="shortcutSpec.xml" id="shortcutSpec.xml" os="windows"/>
        <res src="unix_shortcutSpec.xml" id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml" os="linux"/>
        <res src="processpanelSpec-en.xml" id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml_eng"/>
        <res src="processpanelSpec-fr.xml" id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml_fra"/>

My problem is : I can't get IzPack to use an "english language shortcuts" file (my default files, as above, contain shortcuts descriptions and captions in french). I have tried adding these :

        <res src="shortcutSpec-en.xml" id="shortcutSpec.xml_eng" os="windows"/>
        <res src="unix_shortcutSpec-en.xml" id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml_eng" os="linux"/>

but it didn't seem to have any effect.

LicencePanel localization works.
InfoPanel localization works.
Packs localization works.
ProcessPanel localization works, too.

But shortcuts just don't. My shortcuts are still created with french captions, while everything else is in english.

Is it possible to localize shortcuts text, and if yes, how ?




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