[izpack-users] UserInputPanel and execution of java code

Marc Eppelmann marc.eppelmann at gmx.de
Fri Apr 6 10:58:39 CEST 2007

Hi Pedro,

Am Donnerstag, 5. April 2007 schrieb Desbaratizador:
> Hi
> I need to build a instaler to perform some steps (i have no experience with
> Izpack):
> 1. Login to a SQL Server and attach a database
> 2. Install Apache Tomcat (verify previous instalation first)
> 3. Install the app in Tomcat
> My doubt: is possible to run some java code after the user do "Next" in a
> UserInputPanel ?
You can write your own Validator.
> How ? 
See examples.
> Any other way to do that ?
What exactly means "do" ?
> Pedro Governo


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