[izpack-users] stage: uninstall - running bat-file with arguments

J-Pro joker.pro at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 14:07:29 CET 2006

Good day dear IzPack gurus.

Sorry for disturbing you again, but is my problem really insoluble? I really 
need your help... The one way to make my task, as I see now, is to change 
some IzPack code. But I'm sure that there is a way to make it with 
bat-files. I just can't get into what happens below:

----- Original Message ----- 

> From: J-Pro <joker.pro at gmail.com>
> Subject: [izpack-users] stage: uninstall - running bat-file with
> arguments
> To: "Iz Pack" <izpack-users at lists.berlios.de>
> Message-ID: <000701c6fa54$99867300$8d00a8c0 at Dev2>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="windows-1251";
> reply-type=original
> Good afternoon, IzPack gurus.
> I'm trying to uninstall some services from my bat-file, but I run it from
> uninstaller.
> I've just added these strings in install.xml:
>  <executable targetfile="uninstall.bat" stage="uninstall" os="windows">
>    <arg>$catalinaServiceName</arg>
>    <arg>$catalinaServiceName</arg>
>    <arg>$postgreInstallFolder</arg>
>    <arg>$TOMSScelDelFilename</arg>
>    <arg>$postgreUser</arg>
>    <arg>$postgreServiceName</arg>
>    <arg>$postgreServiceName</arg>
>    <arg>>></arg>
>    <arg>C:\T_INSTALL.log</arg>
>  </executable>
> ">> C:\T_INSTALL.log"  is specified because I want to see bat output
> somewhere.
> With these strings when uninstall starts and I press "Uninstall" button, 
> the
> dialog appears asking me "Continue?". I assume that this dialog appears
> because my bat-files fails to execute and waits for some input. So I just
> want to see the error in it. So when I press "Yes" - it uninstalls
> everything I need except things in the bat-file. And of course there is no
> file C:\T_INSTALL.log created . :(  I don't know why....
> Here is my bat-file(strings like echo 1 $catalinaServiceName are for me,
> just to know arguments order):
> @echo off
> echo ============================= START
> echo ---------------- stopping and disabling Tomcat service
> echo 1 $catalinaServiceName
> echo 2 $catalinaServiceName
> sc stop %1
> sc config %2 start=disabled
> echo ---------------- deleting TOMS DB
> echo Run data script to delete all TOMS data (DB, tables, functions, etc.)
> echo psql.exe -f TOMSskel.sql -U tomsUser
> echo ..
> echo 3 $postgreInstallFolder
> echo 4 $TOMSScelDelFilename
> echo 5 $postgreUser
> echo
> echo
> echo
> %3/bin/psql -f %4 -U %5
> echo ---------------- stopping and disabling PostgreSQL service
> echo 6 $postgreServiceName
> echo 7 $postgreServiceName
> echo
> echo
> sc stop %6
> sc config %7 start=disabled
> echo ============================= END
> Here are my variables:
>        <variable name="catalinaServiceName" value="Tomcat5"/>
>        <variable name="postgreInstallFolder" value="C:\Program
> Files\PostgreSQL\8.1"/>
>        <variable name="TOMSScelDelFilename" value="TOMSskelDel.sql"/>
>        <variable name="postgreUser" value="postgres"/>
>        <variable name="postgreServiceName" value="pgsql-8.1"/>
> I see that I've passed one variable for two times. But I think there will 
> be
> no error because of this reason.
> And one more thing: maybe you wonder why didn't I call "sc" with arguments
> from install.xml via <executable/> - I'll explain. I did it. But when
> uninstall starts and I press "Uninstall", it just hangs up because of 
> sc.exe
> waiting for some data. I saw it in processes.
> Here is the code I used for calling sc and other stuff from xml:
>     <!-- stopping and disabling Tomcat service -->
>     <executable targetfile="sc" stage="uninstall" os="windows">
>  <arg>stop</arg>
>  <arg>$catalinaServiceName</arg>
>     </executable>
>     <executable targetfile="sc" stage="uninstall" os="windows">
>  <arg>config</arg>
>  <arg>$catalinaServiceName</arg>
>  <arg>start=</arg>
>  <arg>disabled</arg>
>     </executable>
>     <!-- deleting TOMS DB -->
>     <executable targetfile="$postgreInstallFolder/bin/psql"
> stage="uninstall" os="windows">
>            <!-- Run data script to delete all TOMS data (DB, tables,
> functions, etc.) -->
>            <!-- psql.exe -f TOMSskel.sql -U tomsUser -->
>  <arg>-f</arg>
>  <arg>$TOMSScelDelFilename</arg>
>  <arg>-U</arg>
>  <arg>$postgreUser</arg>
>        </executable>
>     <!-- stopping and disabling PostgreSQL service -->
>     <executable targetfile="sc" stage="uninstall" os="windows">
>  <arg>stop</arg>
>  <arg>$postgreServiceName</arg>
>     </executable>
>     <executable targetfile="sc" stage="uninstall" os="windows">
>  <arg>config</arg>
>  <arg>$postgreServiceName</arg>
>  <arg>start=</arg>
>  <arg>disabled</arg>
> </executable>
> Please, help me to solve this problem...  Thank you very much in advance.
> P.S.: "The data in this mail is absolutely the same with mine I've 
> tested."

With respect,

Yurii Kartsev,
Soft IT 

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