[izpack-users] <executable ...> doesn't work

Bartz, Klaus Klaus.Bartz at coi.de
Wed Oct 25 12:37:44 CEST 2006

Hi Hans-Georg,
interpret I right that the main point for this email thread
has end in smoke? If so, nice...
I have to admit that there was a bug in the docu. Is fixed.

In the trace we dump things which are interested for one or more
of us.
Exceptions which are dumped only in the trace mode are catched 
because they do not avoid the installation.
One is the ResourceNotFoundException for the UninstallerIcon.
It is a feature which is not released for common. Therefore
no docu.
If you do not like this message, do not use the trace option 
or do not use the registry stuff.
Analog for the duplicate entries...
Do you have tested the uninstallation?? If so, why no word
about it?? 

OK, at what point we are? I do not know... my last mission to you
was "Do it, show it." You have done it, but not shown. Else you
have send only the part you have not understand and your 
uncomfortable feeling about IzPack. 
Therefore we cannot go to the next step of solving your problem
because it is common to complete one step before doing the
next. I have the problems you described a little bit not.

But I have the problem, that I have the feeling that you use
this email list to play beefing. Every email from you contains
some information and some lines where you describe how bad this
software is.
If it is really your meaning, may be it will be better to use
an other software. If needed, I can give you some URIs for it.

Good luck

>-----Original Message-----
>From: izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de
>[mailto:izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de]On Behalf Of Hans-Georg
>Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:35 AM
>To: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
>Subject: Re: [izpack-users] <executable ...> doesn't work
>On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:39:12 +0200, Bartz, Klaus wrote:
>>First enable traceing at installation with
>>java -DTRACE=TRUE -jar install.jar
>Hi Klaus,
>thanks a lot for this hint. I did it and got a log that showed
>that the first executable actually ran and produced a proper
>stdout (must have missed that in my testing), 

Really ? 

>but immediately
>after that the log ends with the following lines:
>----- Begin log excerpt -----
>com.izforge.izpack.installer.ResourceNotFoundException: Can not
>find Resource UninstallerIcon for language eng
>ZipException in writing custom data: duplicate entry:
>ZipException in writing custom data: duplicate entry:
>ZipException in writing custom data: duplicate entry:
>ZipException in writing custom data: duplicate entry:
>ZipException in writing custom data: duplicate entry:
>----- End of log -----
>I have searched the IzPack documentation for "UninstallerIcon",
>but it doesn't exist anywhere. There is no such resource.
>It is also strange that the log shows such an error, but the
>installer itself doesn't show any error. It appears to run fine,
>and only when I check the results thoroughly, I notice that some
>executables have not been executed. This could be a second
>defect, when one has the opinion that a program should give an
>error message when it encounters an error.
>Anyway, now there is hope.
>No mail, please.
>izpack-users mailing list
>izpack-users at lists.berlios.de

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