[izpack-users] shortcutSpec.xml UTF-8 Byte Order Mark breaks IzPackoperation

Hans-Georg Michna hans-georg at michna.com
Mon Oct 16 15:45:42 CEST 2006

On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 14:07:11 +0200, Bartz, Klaus wrote:

>byte order for UTF-8... it is matter of opinion whether a
>silent add of a BOM is clever or not. May be you should
>send a bug report to the developer of the editor.


thanks again for your reply! The editor is probably
configurable, but my problem was that I didn't even think of the
Byte Order Mark at first.

As far as I can see, nanoxml doesn't have any problems with the
BOM, because the other XML files never had any such problem.
Paradoxically, only the DLL that makes the shortcuts for Windows
(COIOSHelper.dll) seems to have it, but I haven't done any
thorough tests. Perhaps that DLL doesn't use nanoxml?

I think, the quickest solution for now would be to write a
warning into the documentation. If it is true that only the
shortcut generation is affected, then such a warning should go
into the shortcut chapter.

Maybe we have the problem that nobody finds the time to do some
work on the documentation.


No mail, please.

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