[izpack-users] Need your help

miraodb miraodb at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 11 15:32:01 CEST 2006

Hi Gowri,

${ENV[xxxx] is used to get environment variable. In your case i don't think 
you need it.  You can simply use

a.. $INSTALL_PATH : the installation path on the target system, as chosen by 
the user in targetPanel
a.. $APPLICATIONS_DEFAULT_ROOT : the default path for applications which can 
be defined in install.xml as a variable.

Don't forget that you could also have a userinputpanel with a textfield and 
use the variable representing that textfield in your processpanel. 
(userinput must be before processpanel in that case obviously.....)

Hope that helps,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gowri Shankar" <Gowri.Shankar at objectorb.com>
To: <izpack-users at lists.berlios.de>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:43 AM
Subject: [izpack-users] Need your help

> Hello Guys,
> During the upgrade of an existing Application, that time I have to copy
> the entire application to a backup directory and then
> do a upgrade. That time I have get the path from the environment variable
> as ${ENV[App_Home]} and then backup the entire folder.
> When I gave this following code in the process panel. its not working for
> me. Please give me a solution for this.
> <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/Backup" src="${ENV[App_Home]}"/>
> Regards,
> GowriShankar.


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