[izpack-users] Problem creating shortcutswithWindows(UnsatisfiedLinkError)

Benjamin Hanzelmann benjamin at hanzelmann.de
Mon Oct 9 17:55:02 CEST 2006

On Mon, Oct 09, 2006 at 05:29:12PM +0200, Bartz, Klaus wrote:
> Hi Benjamin,
> I assume, that the IzPack installation self works, or in what
> manner you have installted IzPack? The ShortcutPanel is in it.

Yes, sorry, it was unclear. 
I built IzPack from source and then, the JavaABC-Installer.jar was built
by IzPack and fails with the same Exception on the Windows boxes.

> Therefore I tend to the meaning, that there is something wrong
> in your installation. I do not know where.
> What I know is, that it works on a normal XP box.

I tested it on the Windows XP-Notebook... Don't know what's happening
here. We seem to have a "special environment" for bugs, they like it
here. :(

> Server 2003 I do not know. May be there is a problem with rights.
> Sometimes so called restricted environments do not allow to access the
> shortcut COM classes. Or your env. do not allow to load a native part
> if the dll will be not stay in VM directory.  But then the IzPack
> installation should also fail. You see - I do not know why your
> installation works not.
> If it will be my installation I will simple create an eclipse project
> (see in docu some special hints) and set an breakpoint in
> Win_Shortcut.initialize.

Okay, then there won't be shortcuts for the release next week, and I'll
go digging after that. I hope I'll find something...

Well, thanks again for your help!
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