[izpack-users] ot: how to use izpack with maven2

Grégory Joseph joseph.gregory at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 13:38:31 CET 2006

Yay, thanks !

Hum, maybe you'd have pointers on how to correctly startup a web
container from the installer, since we're shipping the same kind of
product, apparently? Ideally, I'd like to give the users the option
(read "a checkbox") to start tomcat or jetty for instance. Tried it
last week.. without much success. Any pointer would be great. In the
same vein, I also hoped for an easy way to open web pages through the
installer, too. Has anyone gone there already? Shouldn't be too hard
with jdic, but I haven't had much chance to try this yet.
Ok, enough for the thread hijack.
I was actually about to write an archiver implementation for the
assembly plugin, and hadn't seen MOJO-277 yet. Ideally, the
archiver/assembly will reuse all possible elements described for
assemblies, therefore eliminating most of the recurrent work - I'm
still wondering how best to "merge" these, though, cause you'll always
need izpack-specific stuff.

Thanks for the blog entry anyways, very inspiring !


On 29/11/06, Valerio Schiavoni <valerio.schiavoni at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi there
> maybe it's interesting for some of you : i've blogged about using izpack in
> conjuction with maven2 to create
> installers from a set of dependencies.
> here it is:
> http://jroller.com/page/vschiavoni?entry=how_to_izpack_installer_with
> cheers,
> valerio
> --
> http://valerioschiavoni.blogspot.com
>  http://jroller.com/page/vschiavoni
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