[izpack-users] log file of Process panel

Klaus Bartz bartzkau at gmx.net
Thu Nov 23 20:54:27 CET 2006

Hi Macke,
you are right in the estimation that logging into a logfile is not
implemented for executed java classes. If you look into ProcessPanelWorker
you will see that there are the different classes ExecutableFile and
ExecutableClass. The first uses redirection for stdout and stderr
which will be write into the panel and may be into a logfile.
ExecutableClass has no OutputMonitor therefore it cannot write into
a logfile. It will be difficult todo it because in opposite to
ExecutableFile ExecutableClass will be performed in process; it has
the same stdout and stderr as the installation self.



Am 23.11.2006, 18:45 Uhr, schrieb macke <maier at isys.uni-klu.ac.at>:

> Hi!
> I had the same problem. Writing in this specified logfiles works fine for
> executefile but not for executeclass. I think the executeclass feature  
> is a
> later extension of the ProcessPanelWorker. Maybe logging is not supported
> for it. I don't know, how to extend this feature, so that it is possible  
> to
> write in the logfile, or what I'm doing wrong in my class. So I worked
> around by letting my class write to a file (simple fileoutput). The  
> location
> of my logfile I specify with the <arg>-tag in ProcessPanel.Spec.xml. Good
> enough for my needs. Hope this helps for your requirements.
> Macke
> p.s.: If anyone else knows what we are maybe doing wrong in our class or  
> why
> this feature doesn't work for classes, please let us know.
> Mandeep wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to log the information related to the java classes which I  
>> run
>> through process panel. As suggested in the documentation I am including
>> the <logfiledir> tab inside the ProcessPanel.Spec.xml.
>> <processing>
>>   <logfiledir>$INSTALL_PATH</logfiledir>
>>   <job name="xyz">
>>   .......
>> </job>
>> </processing>
>> It creates the install_v1.0_20061123163.....log file in the specified
>> location but doesn't write anything into the file. Even though I am  
>> giving
>> System.out.println and System.err.println statements in my classes.
>> Please tell me where I am wrong.
>> Thanx in advance
>> Mandeep

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