[izpack-users] <executable ...> doesn't work

Hans-Georg Michna hans-georg at michna.com
Mon Nov 6 19:27:51 CET 2006

On Fri, 27 Oct 2006 14:42:44 +0200, Bartz, Klaus wrote:

>Your mails have me triggert to look around (before I have
>settled to IzPack I have tested more than one other installer,
>but this are some years ago) to other installer. 
>It seems so that you have tested install4j.
>In opposite to IzPack install4j has a nice GUI. But I see
>only the way via custom code to make the same as IzPacks
><execute> tag. 
>Again, how can I execute programms OS dependant in install4j?

Hi Klaus,

sorry for my long absence---there were some other urgent things
to do.

I only tested the previous version of install4j for a few hours,
and that couldn't handle the Windows registry without custom
Java code, so I couldn't use it. They now say that the latest
version can do this, but I've never tested it, so I cannot say
anything about it.

The ability to run helper programs is very important for me.
Some things can't be done directly in any installer. For
example, I have to stop a running server program before
uninstalling the program, things like that. IzPack can start
these helper programs very nicely. In addition, IzPack can put
paths like $INSTALL_PATH or ${ENV[APPDATA]} into text files,
which makes it very powerful.

>>No mail, please.


OK, that's only a standard clause for usenet. If there's
anything that requires personal email, please ignore it.

Thanks again for helping me with IzPack. The last problem was an
unlucky mixture of the IzPack documentation bug and my mistake
when testing the attribute. But now everything is fine, as far
as I can see.


No mail, please.

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