[izpack-users] Applying radio buttons and checkboxes in custom panel

Klaus Bartz bartzkau at gmx.net
Tue Jan 3 11:21:35 CET 2006

Hi Yossi,
one loves the dougther, one the mother...
means, you can do nice things with UserInputPanel, but I prefer to
write a custom panel.
You can do all the things you wont in a custom panel. Only some rules
Create the layout during construction. This is common in IzPanels
(longer then I know IzPack).
You know the two methods ( panelActivate() and isValidated()) which
should be implemented for every IzPanel.
Also you know what todo to put the classes into IzPack (make
a jar file, put it into $IZ_HOME/bin/panels).

Layout is my biggest problem with the panels; but I think this is not
a problem of IzPack else of Java self. I hate the GridBagLayout...
I have made some helper methods in IzPanel, but they do not work
like I would every time...
You can use every panel in the panel package of IzPack as an example.
For starting may be HelloPanel or SummaryPanel, as kick UserInputPanel
(more a joke).
May be the LicencePanel (french spelling) can help you in special.



Am 03.01.2006, 08:22 Uhr, schrieb Yossi Baram <yossiba at eldat.com>:

> Hi,
> The custom panel is a great tool, I'm starting my way in this field.
> What is the best way to implement radio butttons and check boxes in a
> user GUI?
> Can I do it in a custom panel? If so, can you give me small example?
> (should I use swing for that?)
> Or it is best done using UserInputPanel?
> Please advise.
> p.s
> Klaus,thanks for all your help in the past man :-)
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