[izpack-users] Unusual problem !

Friend follow_from at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 2 13:50:33 CET 2006

Thanks Klaus for your timely help.

Klaus Bartz <bartzkau at gmx.net> wrote:
  Hi Se (?),
in IzPack there is no "ready to use" feature for this.
For "things" like this I have implemented the "custom action" stuff.
But that is the point where you enter the Java API of IzPack. You
can only do it, if you are firm with java. If not, ignore the rest...

There is an own chapter for custom actions in the docu.
Custom actions are runable at different times of installation. I think,
you need an "InstallerListener" which implements the beforePack method.
There you can do your work. If it is only a mkdir (I do not know, I do
not use that ApplServ), it will be peanuts. Most work will be to learn
how to use and add custom actions in IzPack.
For the path use an IzPack variable setted from a panel before InstallPanel
which you can access via getInstalldata().getVariable (if you inherit from
SimpleInstallerListener and it's beforePacks method will be called).
An example for a PeanutsInstallListener can be
This custom action implements afterPacks method, but for testing you can
move the code to beforePack of your listener and use the mkdir there.

Or, if you use an ant script for the work, you can use the
AntInstallerListener. You need TWO config files for it (some time ago
there was a longly email-thread about the AntInstallerListener in this
list). See src/dtd/installation.dtd and src/dtd/event/antaction.dtd
and the docu.
The common custom actions are placed in

Hope it helps


Am 02.01.2006, 06:06 Uhr, schrieb Friend :

> Hi Friends,
> New Year Greetings to all here ;-)
> Need a work around.
> Am installing a product into a Sun Java System Application Server 8.1. 
> the problem is there if I want to install the product I need a domain to 
> be present in that apps server prior to my install, until this time am 
> doing this with a installer script which will creat that domain and then 
> install my product into that newly created domain successfuly.
> Here what I would like to ask is - How could I have that script 
> functionality through our IzPack installer.
> ie Need to create a domain in the apps server and then install the 
> product.
> Please direct me friends. Am very new to this IzPack.
> regards,
> Se.
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