[izpack-users] Problem with the os attribute 'windows'

Thilo Schwarz (News) news at s-th.de
Mon Feb 27 14:48:04 CET 2006

Hi there!

I've a problem with the os attribute in the pack tag and the fileset tag.
I'm currently working on a swt based application. Therefore I need to 
distribute different swt files on different os'. I've tested 2 ways.

1st way:

<pack name="SWT files" required="yes">
     <description>The SWT files</description>
          <fileset dir="packs/swt/unzip/linux-gtk"
                        targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/lib/swt" os="linux"/>
       	 <fileset dir="packs/swt/unzip/win32"
                        targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/lib/swt" os="windows"/>

2nd way:

<pack name="SWT files for linux" required="yes" os="linux">
     <description>The SWT files for linux</description>
     <fileset dir="packs/swt/unzip/linux-gtk"
<pack name="SWT files for windows" required="yes" os="windows">
     <description>The SWT files for windows</description>
     <fileset dir="packs/swt/unzip/win32"

Both ways are working as expected on linux, but on windows (tested on XP 
(SP2) and 2k (SP4a)) I get all swt files for windows and linux in my 
lib/swt directory. BTW: I've checked the unzip directories! ;-)

Am I wrong or stupid? (If so, please give me a hit on my head!) Or did I 
found a bug? How can I debug this!

Every hint and help are welcome.

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