[izpack-users] File Browser without combo box

Hal Vaughan hal at thresholddigital.com
Fri Feb 24 20:45:38 CET 2006

On Friday 24 February 2006 14:30, Laurent Duperval wrote:
> On 2/24/06, Hal Vaughan <hal at thresholddigital.com> wrote:
> > Essentially it is.
> >
> > PathSelectionPanel psPanel = new PathSelectionPanel(this, iData);
> >
> > And then just add it to your panel layout as you would any other
> > widget. Check the JavaDocs for it, so you know how to get the path
> > from it once it's chosen.
> At the risk of really sounding stupid and annoying... I don't
> understand the answer. I assume it's because I didn't right the
> proper question, so let me reformulate it.
> Can I add a label, text field and browse button to a UserInputPanel
> just by writing the Installation XML file? 

There is a file search feature, but it doesn't work well -- at least in 
the configurations I've tried.  (I may have missed something there.)

As to just specifying it in xml, no, that cannot be done.  I may have 
been confused and thinking you were talking about writing a panel 

> (So can I specify a 
> PathSelectionPanel in XML? If so, where can I see the syntax? I want
> something similar to the "search", but with a text input instead of a
> combo box and no Autodetect button).

AFAIK, the Autodetect is all that's available.  I'm working on a series 
of panels that can detect if a program within a specified version range 
is installed, but it'll be a while before it's ready.  I have a few 
more things to do on it, and even then, it's a custom panel, so it'd 
have to be added to your IzPack by hand, including all the config files 
for compiling it.  I hope to have it ready fairly soon to submit and 
see if the developers want to include it in future versions.

> If I can't, is there another specialised panel I can use? I know
> about TargetPanel but that sets INSTALL_PATH. I want to set a
> different variable.

At this point, no.  Again, the program finder I mentioned would do this, 
but it'll take some more work before it's ready for prime time.


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