[izpack-users] Common Packs

Bartz, Klaus Klaus.Bartz at coi.de
Tue Dec 5 09:59:39 CET 2006

Hi Jonathan,
do you mean something like "merge modules" in MSI (may be own written)?
No, IzPack do not support this.
Or do you mean hierarchically installations with a super (parent) and
some child installations? This is alos not supported by IzPack (may be
it will work via <executable>, but I have never tested).
Do not forget license problems with incorporate other programs into
your installation.
I have also such installations. For it I have one IzPack project 
containing all custom panels (and custom actions). Some of them are
in one installation a little bit other then in a other (e.g.
only a message). There I implement in a base class using 
getI18nStringForClass for all messages. The derived class can then
be empty, only the strings have to be declared in the custom locale
The contents (files) of the common pack have to be declared in all
installation description files. This is not ideal, I know, but stand
of developing of IzPack. And it works for me.

An other question is: include common "things" like Tomcat or a
Java VM or assume it.
I hate a special data base which installs also with the DB client a
(most really old) Java VM and writes the path in front of %PATH%...
After installation some java program breaks with the information
that the version 48.0 will not be supported by the VM. How knows,
that 48.0 is the byte code format used by the VM 1.4.x ...



>-----Original Message-----
>From: izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de
>[mailto:izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de]On Behalf Of Sipes,
>Jonathan Dee (Jd) 
>Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 9:00 PM
>To: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
>Subject: [izpack-users] Common Packs
> I have been evaluating IzPack and I am very very impressed with what I
>see, my compliments to the developers. I did have one question (it may
>be answered in the documentation and I just missed it). I create
>installers for several different applications and many of them share
>common resources; for example I may have several applications that I
>install Tomcat with. Is it currently possible to write up a single
>'pack' for installing Tomcat that included all the various 
>logic needed,
>the files, and a few dialogs that prompt the user for preferences (like
>the port they want Tomcat to run on)? The Tomcat 'pack' would then be
>referenced in the main installer (which may also reference other shared
>or common packs like Java) along with that installation's unique files,
>logic, and standard dialogs (like installation location). Anyone doing
>something like this now?
>Hope this wasn't something obvious and I missed it!
> JD Sipes
>	J.D. Sipes | Software Development Engineer| 
>	Avaya |1300 W. 120th Ave. | B4-B13| Westminster, CO 80234 |
>	Voice/Fax 1-303-538-0462 | sipes at avaya.com
>izpack-users mailing list
>izpack-users at lists.berlios.de

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