[izpack-users] ot: how to use izpack with maven2

Grégory Joseph joseph.gregory at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 12:49:11 CET 2006

On 30/11/06, Valerio Schiavoni <valerio.schiavoni at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/30/06, Grégory Joseph <joseph.gregory at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hum, maybe you'd have pointers on how to correctly startup a web
> > container from the installer, since we're shipping the same kind of
> > product, apparently? Ideally, I'd like to give the users the option
> > (read "a checkbox") to start tomcat or jetty for instance.
> i did it as well, and I'll show you how to very soon. by the way, you should
> consider one minor issue. The approach I used was to plug into the installer
> a processPanel: the problem is that neither jetty or tomcat, once started,
> 'release' the control over the executing thread: this implies that installer
> never ends!

Well, yeah, that was my problem too... solved it, somehow?

> take a look at launch4j  sources, they do something similar if no jre is
> found.

Ya but launch4j only cares about windows anyway, right ?


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