[izpack-users] Error compiling sample under Ubuntu

Richard Christophe cvrichard at infonie.fr
Sat Aug 19 16:11:28 CEST 2006

Hi Manfred,

Thanks a lot. It'works fine now. I'm a beginner with UNIX and  I have to 
learn still much . Thanks.

Best regards,



Manfred Rosenboom a écrit :
> Hi Christophe,
> I haven't tried it myself but it seems that your compile script is in
> DOS/Windows format. The Linux shells don't like the ^M at the end of
> each line. To get rid of this extra character do as follows:
> Open the script compile in vim (Kommand: vim compile)
> In vim enter the following string
> :set fileformat=unix
> and press the RETURN key.
> Next enter the string
> :wq
> and press again the RETURN key.
> The script is now saved as a Unix (Linux) text file. Now it
> shouldwork, as desired.
> Best,
> Manfred
> On 8/18/06, Richard Christophe <cvrichard at infonie.fr> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to compile sample under Linux/Ubuntu Dapper
>> ubuntu:~/IzPack/sample$ ../bin/compile install.xml -b . -o install.jar
>> -k standard
>> and i ve the error :
>>  Bad interpreter ( bash: ../bin/compile : /bin/sh^M : mauvais
>> interpréteur: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)
>> How can i resolve this problem (i have installed Izpack whithout problem).
>> Thanks.
>> Christophe
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