[izpack-users] What can I do with the missing ID's forJapanese caption?

ODB MIRA miraodb at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 13 03:10:19 CEST 2006


>I'm using Izpack for english,korean and japanese installer.
>It works well for me.
>I'd checked jpn.xml and noticed it's encoded with shift-jis.
>What about specifing "encoding" attribute for all <res> element?
>for example,
><res id="HTMLInfoPanel.info_jpn" src="../install/readme_jpn.html"
>encoding="shift_jis" />

Do you use shift_js too or utf-8 ?
Could you post as attachment your version of it ?

I have no Japanese system to test it but i'll try to check it out in anothe 

Could you explain further on how you see the encoding attribute ?
Is it a variable (common at all xmls) that is parsed during compiling ? In 
that case does the xml enconding attribute handles well the change on the 
fly... i'm not sure.


>BTW, I'd built all my installer with utf-8 encoded resources.
>IMHO, It's good choice for multilingual applications ;)
>2006-04-10 (월), 07:41 +0200, Yossi Baram 쓰시길:
> > Hi guys,
> > Running Izpack 3.8.1, My installer doesnt show Japanese characters,
> > using jpn.xml file.
> > All I can see (in a japanese os of course) is square boxes.
> > Please advise if I can do something about it
> >
> > Thanks
> > Yossi
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