[izpack-devel] Infrastructure: vote

Marc Eppelmann marc.eppelmann at gmx.de
Thu Jan 31 20:22:34 CET 2008

Am Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2008 schrieb Julien Ponge:
> Hi all,
> Regarding the previous discussion regarding the infrastructure, I
> suggest that we have a vote.
> [ Question ]
> Should we investigate a move of some services to CodeHaus?

Generally: No. I think there is no real important reason. And a lot of 
projects are very successfull on berlios over a long time - but I don't know 
whether it depends on the quality of the berlios services.

  If I can't stop the move, I want to note a thing, at least: We have a 
  growing active Community and the move/CHANGE of the Mailing-List
  (email-address) and URLs have to be made carefully, maybe with some
  redirects or forwarders at the first time. It is like int the real live "We
  should not move the entire building included the base. - Nobody will find us

> [ Rules ]
> 1. Answer by yes or no (you don't have to justify, but you can if you
> want). 2. You can vote if you are a developer or a contributor (i.e., you
> have at least a patch in the codebase)
> 3. You can vote until next friday (2008/02/01) midnight (timezone is
> GMT+1).
> Cheers
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