[izpack-devel] Maven2 plugin anyone?

Eric Rose eric at forge.com.au
Thu Jan 17 23:58:32 CET 2008

On Monday 07 January 2008 06:53:39 Julien Ponge wrote:
> > It would be nice to have an officially supported version that keeps up
> > with IzPack releases.
> Yep, that's exactly why I'm calling for volunteers ;-)

I might be able to put some time towards it (how much, I don't know as I'm 
currently filling three positions at work :( ). As we've moved towards a 
maven2 build environment, I've hacked together some basic structures to 
integrate IzPack, so that we can create installers using maven2. To have 
IzPack available as maven2 artifacts from the ground up, is something that 
I've always thought would be nice.


Eric Rose              | "Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
eric at integeo.com       |         Juvenal (Satires, VI.347-8)

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