[izpack-devel] xinclude - can't use include from within userInputSpec.xml (in installation time)

Piotr Skowronek piotr at skowro.net
Sun Feb 3 23:38:13 CET 2008

Hi All,

There is a problem with using xinclude feature when used
in userInputSpec.xml. The problem appears in installation-time,
when XIncludeXMLBuilder is unable to find fragments. They would
have to be placed outside of install.jar, to be accessible
in installation-time.

However, xinclude feature works fine for install.xml as fragments
are included/resolved during compilation time. UserInputSpec.xml
is not parsed in compile-time, but simply embedded into resources.

I have worked out a quick solution for it. It can be found
in the attachment. Tell me what do you think about it.
The solution is to modify XIncludeXMLBuilder, to be able
to check resources whether they contain referenced fragment.
Fragments have to be put in resources, and referenced using
/res/ prefix, as I didn't want to hard code this prefix into

One more time, tell me what do you think about this patch.

Piotr Skowronek
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