[izpack-devel] IzPack installer and uninstaller evolution...

Gildas Le-Louarn gildas.le-louarn at aptus.fr
Fri Sep 21 09:51:15 CEST 2007



New member of the list, I use IzPack since six month for a Java based
application deployment. Because I had some particular requirements, I
realized some minor evolution of IzPack.


My first constraint is that I need to define some "pack" that shouldn't be
removed during uninstall (in our case the jre). To do so, I update
installation.dtd adding a new "pack" attribute:


<!ATTLIST pack uninstall (yes|no) "yes">


By default, if attribute isn't defined or set to yes, referenced pack is
uninstalled. If set to false, pack isn't removed during uninstall (except if
uninstaller force option is activated).


As a consequence, I need to forbid force uninstall option to final user. To
do so, I update uninstaller parameters as follow:


For console uninstaller "-c", no changes. By default, uninstall doesn't
force deletion. If "-f" force uninstall is activated.


For frame uninstaller:

- by default, final user see the force deletion checkbox except if "-x"
option is set

- by default, force deletion isn't activated except if "-f" option is set


I realize modifications on 3.10.2 revision:
http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/izpack/izpack-src/tags/3.10.2. The patch
file in attachment defines all modifications I have done to realize
presented modifications.


Expecting you can integrate my modification in the official release, don't
hesitate to contact me form more information.




Gildas Le Louarn.



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