[izpack-devel] [Patch] Improvement to execution of Java files using execution tag

Andreas Guenther aguenther at mulesource.com
Thu Oct 4 23:18:57 CEST 2007


I recently submitted a patch that allows to specify a real Java 
classpath within the executable tag using the targetfile attribute, also 
avoiding a chmod on Unix. First of all, thanks for committing this to 
trunk. Now, I am proposing a patch to further improve my previous work.

Basically, the attached patch takes care of two things:

#1 Allow Java classpath specification in targetfile attribute using 
either : or ; delimiter and still work across multiple OS. Currently, if 
you e.g. use the : delimiter, a Windows installation will fail.

#2 Support classpath loading of all jar files within a given folder, 
e.g. targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/lib/allMyJars".

I implemented this because we use the execution tag quite often in our 
install.xml and hardcoding many jar files makes it hard to maintain the 
file. Sometimes I don't even know that new files are needed and 
dynamically loading it from our lib location is quite nice then. It'll 
be great if this can be added to the core.

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