[izpack-devel] Re : Planning the next release

Loic lbndev at yahoo.fr
Wed Nov 21 16:56:12 CET 2007


Attached you will find a consolidated patch containing :
  - the patch to allow shortcuts localization, and updated related documentation
  - the patch to allow localization of the group names in the InstallGroupPanel and updated related documentation
  - a few fixes and enhancements at various places in the code :
      - added logging at places where I found a "TODO : write log" in ShortcutPanel
      - added debug log in place of "TODO : handle or ignore" in OsVersion.java (better log than do nothing at all IMHO)
      - fixed a typo in  FileExecutor.java

This is made against most current trunk.

This was my top priority (at least regarding izPack).
Now I can get into some other documentation.

Have a nice day,


----- Message d'origine ----
De : Julien Ponge <julien.ponge at gmail.com>
À : izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
Envoyé le : Jeudi, 15 Novembre 2007, 21h58mn 10s
Objet : Re: [izpack-devel] Planning the next release

Hi Loic

> For quite some time now I have been offerring you my help to get this
> new documentation fnished as soon as possible. This offer is still
> valid, should you want to accept it.

This is now ready to be edited!

> However, can I request once more that my patches first submitted in
> october 2006 (Localization of InstallationGroupPanel) and in April
> (resubmit of the previous one + Localization of shortcuts) be
> and merged before 3.11.0 gets out ? I just checked out latest SVN and
> noticed that it is still not done.
> For the latest it is strange because Klaus had reviewed & merged it
> (check his mail from 27.04.07), I had checked that it worked, but
> obviously it has been erased since then... (I mailed the list
> this on 26.06.07).
> The first one has, to my knowledge, never been merged.

I'm a bit lost with the patches history there and I cannot figure out
exactly how it was lost... could you please make me a new patch based
on the latest trunk? (I'm really sorry for asking you that...)



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