[izpack-devel] Spanish langpack v3.10.2 (build 2007.05.11)

Sergio Baños Calvo sbcalvo at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 21:15:03 CET 2007


I have updated the Spanish langpack that comes with the IzPack v3.10.2 
(build 2007.05.11) with the missing keys from the English langpack, and 
updated some of the old ones in order to be closer to the english keys. 
Where should I send the changes?



Sergio Baños Calvo

Jefe de desarrollos
Sistemas Abiertos de Información Geográfica, S.L. (SAIG S.L.)
Tlfno. móvil: 685005960
Tlfno. fijo: (+34) 954788876

E-mail: sbc at saig.es


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