[izpack-devel] Docutils

Julien Ponge julien.ponge at gmail.com
Tue May 22 22:00:41 CEST 2007

Thanks for the notice.

On 5/22/07, Dick Hollenbeck <dickelbeck at yahoo.com> wrote:
> There is also
>     http://forrest.apache.org/dtdx/document-v20.html
>     http://forrest.apache.org
> I have used it successfully here for a couple of years:
> http://softplc.com/usermanuals
> but I cannot do a compare to your other options.
> Forrest can take a number of input formats, not just XML.   It can
> compile to HTML on the fly giving you immediate visual feedback of the
> generated html.
> It compiles to PDF.
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