[izpack-devel] Coding custom components against an IzPack API

Bartz, Klaus Klaus.Bartz at coi.de
Tue May 22 09:10:53 CEST 2007

Hi Raz,
you need installer.jar of IzPack in your classpath to compile a custom
panel or a custom action.
All needed class files have to be stored in jar file which name is that
from the panel class (custom actions class).
You have to store (or copy) the created jar file to %IZ_HOME%\bin\panels
You can use a package path you like for panels or custom actions.
You can store the sources for them else where.
I use an ant script for this. Following some parts of it which handels
panels and custom actions:
 <!-- Compile a custom panel -->
 <target name="compile.custompanel">
  <echo message="Compiles custom panel ${panel}" level="info"/>
  <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}/panels/${panel-dir}"/>
  <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${bin.dir}/panels/${panel-dir}"
   optimize="on" deprecation="on" debug="${debug}"
   source="${source}" debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
   <include name="${panel}*.java"/>
 <!-- Make JAR for a custom panel -->
 <target name="compile.custompanel.finish">
  <jar jarfile="${bin.dir}/panels/${panel}.jar">
   <fileset dir="${bin.dir}/panels/${panel}">
    <include name="**/*.class"/>
 <!-- convenience: compile simple custom panel and finish it -->
 <target name="compile.custompanel.simple">
  <antcall target="compile.custompanel">
   <param name="panel" value="${panel}"/>
   <param name="panel-dir" value="${panel-dir}"/>
  <antcall target="compile.custompanel.finish">
   <param name="panel" value="${panel-dir}"/>
 <!-- Compile all custom panels and put them at the right location -->
 <target name="build.customPanels" >
  <antcall target="compile.custompanel.simple">
   <param name="panel"
   <param name="panel-dir" value="AccountMonoSelectPanel"/>
 <!-- Listener stuff targets
**************************************************** START -->
 <!-- "Normal" listener targets are also now defined here because common
       build script was changed to macro usage -->
    <!-- Compile a listener -->
    <target name="compile.listener" >
        <echo message="Compiles listener ${listener}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener-dir}"/>
        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
            <include name="${listener-include}/${listener}*.java"/>
    <!-- Make JAR for a listener -->
    <target name="compile.listener.finish">
     <unzip src="${izevent.jar}"
dest="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener}" />
        <jar jarfile="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener}.jar">
            <fileset dir="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener}">
                <include name="**/*.class"/>
                <exclude name="**/*${listener-exclude1}*.class"/>
                <exclude name="**/*${listener-exclude2}*.class"/>
    <!-- convenience: compile simple listener and finish it -->
    <target name="compile.listener.simple">
        <antcall target="compile.listener">
            <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
            <param name="listener-dir" value="${listener-dir}"/>
            <param name="listener-include" value="${listener-include}"/>
        <antcall target="compile.listener.finish">
            <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
            <param name="listener-exclude1"
            <param name="listener-exclude2"
    <!-- simple installer listener -->
    <target name="compile.installer-listener.simple">
        <antcall target="compile.listener.simple">
            <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
            <param name="listener-dir" value="${listener-dir}"/>
            <param name="listener-include" value="${listener-include}"/>
            <param name="listener-exclude1" value="Uninstaller"/>
            <param name="listener-exclude2" value="_NO_MORE_EXCLUDES_"/>
    <!-- simple uninstaller listener -->
    <target name="compile.uninstaller-listener.simple">
        <antcall target="compile.listener.simple">
            <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
            <param name="listener-dir" value="${listener-dir}"/>
            <param name="listener-include" value="${listener-include}"/>
            <param name="listener-exclude1" value="Installer"/>
            <param name="listener-exclude2" value="_NO_MORE_EXCLUDES_"/>
    <!-- simple compiler listener -->
    <target name="compile.compiler-listener.simple">
        <antcall target="compile.listener.simple">
            <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
            <param name="listener-dir" value="${listener-dir}"/>
            <param name="listener-include" value="${listener-include}"/>
            <param name="listener-exclude1" value="Installer"/>
            <param name="listener-exclude2" value="Uninstaller"/>
 <!-- Listener stuff targets
**************************************************** END -->
 <!-- Compile all custom actions (listener) and put them at the right
location -->
 <target name="build.listener" >
  <antcall target="compile.compiler-listener.simple">
   <param name="listener" value="PermissionCompilerListener"/>
   <param name="listener-dir" value="PermissionCompilerListener"/>
   <param name="listener-include"
  <antcall target="compile.installer-listener.simple">
   <param name="listener" value="InitDBInstallerListener"/>
   <param name="listener-dir" value="InitDBInstallerListener"/>
   <param name="listener-include"

	-----Ori  ginal Message-----
	From: izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de
[mailto:izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Raz Yalov
	Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 9:01 PM
	To: izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
	Subject: [izpack-devel] Coding custom components against an
IzPack API

	First, sorry if this is the wrong list for this question.


	In short: is there an official "izpack-api.jar" exposed to
enabled development of custom elements (panels, validators etc.) outside
the IzPack project context?


	Details: I would like to create as part of my product's project
an izPack-ext.jar that will hold customized code I've written to enhance
my IzPack setup but I want to maintain and build this in the context of
my product's baseline and not within IzPack project.


	I couldn't find any kind of "izpack-api.jar" type of file that
holds all the interfaces that are needed in order to compile your own


	Is the only expected way to add custom elements is by adding
them to a local copy of the entire IzPack project?



	Any ideas/direction would be appreciated.





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