[izpack-devel] langpacks

Markus Schlegel schlm3 at gmail.com
Mon May 7 21:13:19 CEST 2007

Hi Dan

Yust want to say, that not all receivers of this list get annoyed by your
mail, even if it was really horribly written (decency?).
While its not always easy to commit to Izpack, its worth to try it. Your
input will still be welcome I think.

I have used InstallAnywhere for years, and it also has the footer stating
"zerog - Install Anywhere". But we payed 2000$ every year ....

So I think its fair to have some reference to the installer product. My Boss
also asked me to remove the hint, but I simply told him that this is a part
of the (free) installer. He can live with it.

Fabrice, Klaus: Buy a punching ball ;-) Think of the people writing to the
list as if they were your customers. In some way they really are, even if
they don't pay you.

Markus (an other geek, speaking swiss-german)

2007/5/7, miraodb <miraodb at hotmail.com>:
> Hi,
> What kind of outrageous comment is that ?
> If you're so good in English then fix whatever you think needs to fixed in
> the langpack.
> This is a list for improvements not for complaints.
> Your customer ??? What do you think we all use this superb tool for ?
> Video
> games ?
> By the way, is Documentation good enough of an English word ?
> You're already lucky that Dennis had the patience to answer you. I figured
> that with this kind of attitude you could have first look into the docu
> before making these kind of nonsense statements.
> As our dear Klaus said, everything you asked for is explain in the docu.
> Read it and come back with useful comments.
> Cheers,
> Fabrice
> (another geek)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan" <greenash at yahoo.com>
> To: <izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de>
> Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 7:37 AM
> Subject: [izpack-devel] langpacks
> > Hi devels,
> >
> > a small complaint: I'm not happy with the default
> > langpacks (eng.xml, for example). Here are two things
> > that would help:
> >
> > 1) let the user specify a custom location for a
> > langpack. I want to create my own custom_eng.xml and
> > use it via
> >
> > <locale>
> > <langpack iso3="custom_eng"
> >  location="/path/to/my/langpack" />
> > </locale>
> >
> > 2) Long-term, please try to improve the quality of the
> > langpacks. In particular, with respect to eng.xml
> >
> > * keep in mind that my customers are installing MY
> > product, not IzPack. MY product is the hero, not
> > IzPack. While I understand your desire for credit, the
> > generated installer should mention IzPack sparringly,
> > so as not to confuse the end-users. A small footnote
> > saying "This installer was created with IzPack" should
> > suffice.
> >
> > * read http://alt-usage-english.org/humorousrules.html
> >
> > * exclamation marks look childish! and alarmistic! A
> > colon (.) is preferrable most of the times.
> >
> > * the suggestion to "refer to your operating system
> > manual" will not go down well with customers. Come to
> > think of it, when is the last time you saw an "OS
> > manual"? My guess is that this comes from DOS days.
> > Simply stating failure would be enough.
> >
> > * a file or directory can't be "not appropriate" (what
> > does that mean, anyway?)
> >
> > * awkward messages like these that add to the overall
> > poor quality impression and discourage adoption of
> > IzPack. When possible, please have someone fluent in
> > English (preferrably a non-geek!) review the
> > langpacks.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Dan
> >
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