[izpack-devel] MultiVolumeInstaller

Dennis Reil Dennis.Reil at reddot.de
Tue Jan 9 13:11:16 CET 2007

I added a new packager and unpacker (called MultiVolumePackager and
MultiVolumeUnpacker) which can be used to create an installer which
spans over multiple disks, e.g. 2 CDs. There was a wiki-entry in the
past which discussed the option of a spanning disk installer. These
classes are partly based on the ideas mentioned there.

It can be activated by specifying it using the packaging-element in
install.xml, e.g. add the following to your install.xml if you want to
create an installer using multiple cds of 650 MB size:

   <packager class="com.izforge.izpack.compiler.MultiVolumePackager">
     <options volumesize="681574400" firstvolumefreespace="157286400" />
   <unpacker class="com.izforge.izpack.installer.MultiVolumeUnpacker" />

There will be an additional free space on the first cd of 150 MB. This
can be used for the installer.jar + additional information, docu, ...
which is not part of the installer itself.

Izpack now creates a jar file plus some installer.pak*-files. These
.pak*-files contain the packfiles and can be placed on separate disks.

I'll send out some documentation to Fabrice soon.

Btw, this is just a new option, so it won't be changed anything in the
current installers behaviour if you don't use the packaging element,
except that there will be some new classes in the installer.jar.


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