[izpack-devel] Patches queue

Stefan Wachter stefan.wachter at gmx.de
Fri Jan 5 09:00:03 CET 2007

Hi Julien,

in order to help you processing my patches I am "diffing" my changes against the current revision again.


The patches are:

diff-Unpacker (cf. my contribution of november 16th): Find packs in the same directory as the 
primary jar. Useful in case of web installers that are shipped on a CD.

diff-IzPanel, diff-UserInputPanel (cf. my contribution of november 16th): Allows to customize the 
headlines of UserInputPanels in case that there are more than one.

diff-InstallationGroupPanel (cf. my contribution of november 22nd): Corrects a bug, extends 
functionality, and enables i18n. In addition, a resource "InstallationGroupPanel.headline" should be 
defined in the distribution in order to enable the "heading layout".

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