[izpack-devel] fix: PathInputPanel

Stefan Wachter stefan.wachter at gmx.de
Thu Jan 4 17:19:19 CET 2007

Hi all,

the current version of PathInputPanel logs a stacktrace on Linux systems when no defaultInstallDir 
is specified and no TargetPanel.dir.x resource is present.

There are two problems:

1. The resouce "TargetPanel.dir.unix" is tried to access twice. The first time the access is not 
surrounded by a try-catch block.

2. It is possible that no suitable resource is found. In that case no InputStreamReader can be 

Attached you find a corresonding patch.


PS: The problem is also present in older versions of IzPack. But now the stack trace is printed 
because the following lines where added to the loadDefaultInstallDir() method:

             //mar: what's the common way to log an exception ?
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