[izpack-devel] fix: Required packages are not in grey in the package selection page (Linux)

Vladimir Ralev vralev at redhat.com
Tue Jan 2 10:27:20 CET 2007

Another Linux-specific problem. The default Look and Feel in most linux 
distros doesn't grey out the checkbox icons with setEnabled(false). Only 
the associated text is grey, but we don't have any, so there is no way 
to tell, which is enabled or disabled.
You can see a screenshot here: 

I added owner-draw checkboxes, they are not as cool as the windows xp 
checkboxes, but are similar and will work fine. Let me know what you 
think. You can see a screenshot of the new LookAndFeel-independent 
checkboxes in the attached newcheckboxes.JPG. They look identical on all 

Vladimir Ralev, JBoss/RedHat

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