[izpack-devel] New language

Mike Patterson mpatterson at galdosinc.com
Wed Feb 28 18:37:54 CET 2007

I recommend that izPack follows the ISO 639-2 language standard. The table at http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/English_list.php shows all 3-letter and 2-letter codes. I recommend that we don't use flags, but rather use the language code as the symbol -- the 2-letter code when available, or the 3-letter code otherwise. RFC 4646 - http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4646 - provides loads of background. 

 -- Mike 

-----Original Message-----
From: izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de [mailto:izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Elmar Grom
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:26 AM
To: izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [izpack-devel] New language

yes, that is a tricky one. Tino's idea is an interesting one. Can you ask
the person who requested this what he/she things about it?

The other problem is of course the ISO code to use. Can that person tell us
what language/country code they have on their machine? Alternatively, as
long as it is only IzPack internal we can always invent our own...


-----Original Message-----
From: izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de
[mailto:izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de]On Behalf Of Tino Schwarze
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 1:56 AM
To: izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [izpack-devel] New language

On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 10:41:26AM +0100, Bartz, Klaus wrote:

> someone has me requested me about a new language.
> On principle no problem, but it is Farsi and
> actuall there is no state Persia. And what flag
> to use for it...
> I tend to change "our ISO3" from ISO 3166-1 (a
> three letter country code) to ISO 639-2 ( a three
> letter language code). Any comment?
> Secound what about the flag. May be there are some
> people which loves if we use the flag of Iran, but
> may be also there are some people which hate it.
> I tend to create a "NonFlag" for this. Also comments?

Maybe a picture with the native writing of "Farsi" would be the best.



Tino Schwarze * Parkstraße 17h * 09120 Chemnitz
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