[izpack-devel] Using the Eclipse compiler for compilation

Tino Schwarze berlios.de at tisc.de
Tue Feb 13 14:59:48 CET 2007

Hi there,

On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 06:52:35PM +0100, Julien Ponge wrote:

> > I'd like to update the docs, but I'm unsure how to do that. What is the
> > right place? There should be a README.txt in src/doc-ng which explains
> > the structure - what is edited, what get's generated etc.
> You should coordinate with Fabrice then, since he is handling the documentation.

I just commited my patches to trunk. It is now possible to use the
Eclipse JDT Compiler for the CompilePanel. Documentation follows:

(Add to the CompilePanel documentation)

You may also use the Eclipse JDT compiler and therefore do not need an
installed Java SDK at installation time. To use the Eclipse compiler,
add the org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.2.0.v_642.jar (or a newer version) to
your installer using a
    <jar src="org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.2.0.v_642.jar" stage="install" />
element in your installer.xml. You can find this file in your Eclipse
installation in the plugins/ folder.

Then you may specify "Integrated Eclipse JDT Compiler" as a choice for
the compiler to you compilationSpec.xml. Note that the Eclipse compiler
defaults to Java version 1.4 for compilation, so you might need to add
"-source 1.5 -target 1.5" or similar to your compiler arguments.



PS: It's damn fast compared to calling external javac. It only takes a
fraction of the time compared to the javac. It's not primarily javac's
fault since the length of the command line limits it's efficiency and it
has to do a lot of duplicate work.


Tino Schwarze * Parkstraße 17h * 09120 Chemnitz

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