[izpack-devel] UserInputPanel / type 'search'

Michael Hagedorn michael.hagedorn at gmx.de
Mon Feb 12 16:48:35 CET 2007

Hello Dev,

I guess no feedback means silent acceptance of this improvement :)

I've checked behavior on XP and Suse 10, it works. NextButton will be
enabled if and only if an existing directory or file is chosen, typed or
pasted by user.
Please can someone double check and apply attached patches?


Michael Hagedorn wrote:
> Hello Dev,
> my favorite missed feature is to force users to select an existing
> directory or file within UserInputPanel. At least this is what I expect.
> But this is not the way UserInputPanel works.
> I will patch my own UserInputPanel to lock/unlock <Next> button to get this.
> Is there a public interest concerning this?
> Should I supply this patch?
> (Depending on feedback my implementation will be more or less carefully...)
> Thanks,
> Michael
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