[izpack-devel] Some more Xinclude thoughts

Matthew Fudge mfudge at volantis.com
Mon Dec 17 00:20:23 CET 2007

Hi Julien,

I would like you to apply the patch now. 

I have noticed a few bugs in it but I don't think they will 
affect anybody unless they actually use the xinclude stuff.
There are: 
a) silent errors if you try to use xpointers (i.e. it does not tell you that they 
are not supported)
b) there appears to be an error in one of the exception messages. It provides the wrong message.
c) some of the exception messages do not provide the correct systemId and line numbers.
d) a fair few others that I haven't noticed

All together I feel that its a reasonable patch as it currently exists. The changes are 
not in the izpack code so, hopefully, no one should be affected by it (unless they use the
xinclude stuff)

Because of the problems noted above, I think I have a few other changes to make but 
they would probably be better handled as seperate patches.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Julien Ponge" <julien.ponge at gmail.com>
To: izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
Sent: 16 December 2007 20:58:13 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: [izpack-devel] Some more Xinclude thoughts

Hi Matthew,

Should I merge your patch, or should I wait a little more for possible

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